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Accessibility statement

The National Social Security Office (NSSO) is doing their utmost to make the information available on this website accessible to all, in accordance with the Act of 19 July 2018 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public administrations. Consult the full text of the Act of 19 July 2018 on the website of the Moniteur Belge (in French)(New window).

This accessibility statement applies to the website BELparcel.

Compliance status

Based on a simplified audit, we can conclude that the website partially complies with the European standard EN 301 549 on accessibility of IT-applications. Please consult the pdf with the full text of EN 301 549 standard on the ETSI website(.pdf-New window).

Full compliance can only be guaranteed after performing an in-depth audit.

Consult the report on the simplified audit of this website.

Non-accessible content

No errors were detected during the audit.

Some pages on the site contain files (pdf, documents, videos, etc.) for which accessibility can’t be guaranteed with a simplified audit.

Proposed alternatives

As no errors were detected during the simplified audit, no alternative needs to be proposed.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

We have prepared the accessibility statement on the basis of:

  • The results of the Bosa Accessibility Tool
  • A critical analysis on the basis of WCAG-principes
  • Manual checks
  • The audit report

The audit took place on 12/01/2025.

Consult the report on the simplified audit of this website.

This statement was drawn up on 26/02/2024.

The last revision of this statement was done on 30/01/2025.

Contact details

Do you have questions or comments about the accessibility of this website? Then please send an e-mail to contactcentre@eranova.fgov.be or use the contact form on the NSSO website (in French)(New window).

Are you not getting an answer, or are you not satisfied with the answer you get? Please contact the Federal Ombudsman’s office at contact@federaalombudsman.be.

Any questions?

Do you have any questions? Visit the FAQ page.
Can’t find your answer? Go to the Contact us page.